
“Be the change  that you wish to see in the world.”

– M.K. Gandhi


Read transcended minds.

Female, 20years

I used to get annoyed over the littlest of things if it didn't go my way. All of those happened after a while being in the lockdown. Due to this, I had started staying away from my parents too. That's when my mother introduced me to Trisha ma'am. Just after the first session, I started feeling a bit better and light.Then gradually, as the therapy progressed, a lot of doubts and uncertainties that I had grown over the time, started diminishing and now, I feel a lot better.

I thank Trisha ma'am for helping me out of this situation.


Female, 42 years

As a 42yr old I was very confident about my health....but inside was feeling very uneasy. Had issues of high BP and was admitted for the same twice, didn’t know this was not normal. Well my anxiety issues led me to this state. I met Trisha in our ladies meet party. When she told us about what this therapy means and how it works, it was an eye opener for me. Because there is no medicine or explanation for anxiety, I thought I should give it a try and yes it was worth it.

This therapy made me look into myself, had sessions which were an eye opener.

After the sessions Trisha used to give me certain tips which really helped me throughout the day. The affirmations she forwarded me helped. Never knew mind was such fragile, yet so strong.

Anahata is like knocking on forbidden doors. It opens your untapped areas (where no one has gone before), where sometimes you wished u never went and the areas where u wished u would stay forever.

The therapy has given me more confidence (not false I must say) to live life normally.

Thank you for the support and unconditional care.


Male, 28years

If you are reading this and thinking your problem shall be solved then I hope your problem shall surely be solved as of mine. I visited Anahata by reference, given by my friend, for my anxiety issues but had some doubts that it may have some side effect but after experiencing from the first session I was comfortable and sure that the treatment is totally safe.

I used to become anxious by people or situations due to past events, this problem is solved by Trisha madam, and now I feel better, able to handle situations and people calmly with full control on myself where I used to become anxious earlier. My internal happiness is at higher level now and deeply embedded quarrels are vanished. Now I feel myself as what I was naturally.

Thanks Anahata and Trisha madam for this.


Female, 29years (Client from Singapore)

I had been going through anxiety issues for quite few years now. And because the problem had started aggravating and affecting my personal and professional life, I was seeking help from any source I found appropriate. Finally when all efforts were in vain, I came across Anahata. I know Trisha (didi) from my childhood and we are very close family friends. I had never expected such huge improvement in my condition in first 2-3 sessions. Finally after 5 sessions, I was confident enough of continuing on my own which I had lost somewhere in my struggle. Also my body and mind feel so much lighter after being free from anxiety. This experience has truly given me a new life where I feel confident, satisfied and calmer towards life. Will never be able to thank you enough Anahata.


Bindu Juneja, Senior Odissi Dance Exponent

I had been suffering from anxiety for years and had been on allopathic medicine too for short periods of time sporadically. It was a chronic problem for more than two decades and it now felt like a burden in the centre of my chest. After this one session, the physical sensation vanished and so did the emotion. She told me of the presence of foreign energies in my aura, which had been there for a very long time.

Much gratitude to Trisha for effecting this release from the prolonged anxiety.


Female, 19 yrs

I began therapy on 12th Jan because I felt like my life was falling apart. My father passed away in 2021 due to COVID. It was very tough for me and I was in my 12th standard, preparing for JEE. I had to take a drop, and by then, I had started to control my emotions so much that I couldn't cry, even if I wanted to. The only emotion I could express was anger. I couldn't feel the same happiness as I didn't have the same mental peace back then. Honestly, I never thought I'll ever be able to.

In Sept 2022, I joined a university far away from my home. I felt very lonely and couldn't adjust to the change like I used to think I would when I'll be in college. I wasn't scoring well for various reasons and then realized I needed therapy.

Therapy helped me a lot. It is one of the best decisions I took for myself. Within two sessions, I started experiencing changes. My anxiety reduced a lot, my overthinking reduced and I could feel my emotions. It's been almost three weeks since my sessions ended and I can feel so many emotions and not feel overwhelmed. I do not overthink as much, don't get panic attacks, and I no longer suffer from sleep apnea and sleep paralysis. I sleep much better and the people around me can see there's something different about me. Though I don't feel the same mental peace as I did when my father was here, I have accepted it and I'm trying to create a new mental peace, which exists because of me and my actions and not because of someone else. I no longer need to depend on someone else for my happiness and this is what healing is to me.


Female, 35years, Client from Bengaluru (ONLINE SESSIONS)

I approached Trisha when I started to have severe stress and anxiety issues - post delivery and after my father's sudden demise and also due to some past bad experiences.

Trisha helped me to recollect all the events which somehow seeped into my subconscious mind and gave me immense stress and anxiety. Also as a new mom my sleep issues are cured. Her session helped me to have good quality sleep and reduce my stress and anxiety.

Now I am not having anxiety at all


Female, 26years

I was reluctant for a long time to consider getting help or any kind of therapy, partly because I was unsure whether something like OCD would even be considered a real problem, but mostly because I accepted it as a part of life and given in to its unrelenting demands(compulsions). Upon discovering Anahata, I decided to take help for the first time, and I’m so glad I did. I learned about the science behind the working of our subconscious mind from a whole new angle and my perspective of the disorder that I accepted as a part of me changed. The knowledge that I gained throughout my therapy about disease was an eye-opener. One of the well known visible symptoms of the disorder is excessive and frequent hand-washing, which had really aggravated over the past year and caused my hands to become appallingly and perpetually dry, wrinkled and cracked, also frequently causing skin diseases. During the course of my therapy at Anahata, I developed the consciousness that I hadn’t before, which allowed me to take control of my irrational compulsions and see them in a new light.

Thank you Trisha!


Female, 27years

I was having severe lower back pain since few months. I was going through her testimonials regularly, then I thought of taking the therapy. It took her 3 sessions to get to the root of my problem, which were related to few of my childhood events which were deeply troubling me from some time, in ways I can’t figure out by myself. Trisha helped me to realize and look deeper within myself to eradicate such issues. It really helped me a lot and now I am healed from within.

Thanks Trisha and Anahata- Look Deeper.


Male, 45years

It is really difficult for me to put a word of thanks in such a short note. But still I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Let me tell you about myself that I was working since past 24 years. And I have seen many ups and downs in my life both professional and personal. But from 2016 was the worst part in my entire life as I lost my job and had some serious medical issues which altogether put me in a big financial crunch and made my life stand still (actually brought down). The pressure of not earning got really piled up to unwanted debts that forced me to get into another side(depression and Negative towards society).

But thanks to Trisha, she patiently heard my issues and started her session after two days; initially my body itself was resisting the treatment as if somebody is stopping you to take the remedial action which forced me to discontinue the treatment. But again thanks to Trisha, she had not given up and started searching the problems which tends to repel the treatment. But slowing I got over it and she started solving all the problems one by one.

Now, in about 13 sittings I have overcome lots of negative emotions coming to my mind due to the problems including physical and financial. I got a good job in a multinational company that also in my same home town. Inspite of myself applying 10-15 jobs a day I was not getting successful but Trisha had removed the obstacle which was preventing good things to come to me.

I literally thank Anahata and Trisha for consistent patience and belief that I can overcome all the obstacles in my life. And here I have started a fresh new life with lots of energy and positive attitude towards the society and world.



Female, 47years

I had sleeping disorder since 16years of age. Whenever there was a change in place, I couldn’t sleep continuously for 2-3 days, due to which the entire day I used to feel very lethargic. Also, at my own house it took me 2-3 hours, after I got into my bed, to doze off, due to which again the next day I used to feel very lethargic. But after the therapy, I am able to sleep well and when I get up in the morning, I feel very fresh. The therapy has really helped me a lot.


Female, 26 years

I have had body acne right from my teenage years. I had searched for treatments in allopathy, ayurveda and homeopathy, but the acne would be off just for the while I’d be on medicines, and come back once I stop the medications.

Trisha helped me find out that a few childhood experiences had made me believe that negative emotions were to be suppressed and hidden, and they had manifested as acne on the clothed parts of my body. Thanks for being patient with me throughout and it’s been a few days since the sessions, and I haven’t had any new outbreaks; the old ones are healing. Happy about that.


Mother of 6 year old

I decided to take my 6 years old to “Anahata” as he is highly attention seeking child and he had been facing difficult time in school since last 2 years. There were endless complaints reported from school. Despite of my all efforts nothing was working. Positive feedbacks of various clients, convinced me to opt for hypnotherapy. After a couple of sessions with Trisha, I noticed a subtle shift in his emotional demeanour.

Therapy sessions made him to realize and understand that he will actually receive more attention, fun and friends when he chooses to be well behaved then mischievous. I am glad to report that in recent PTM; his class teacher has congratulated me for amazing positive changes in his behaviour.

I am fortunate to have had Trisha as warm, trustworthy and professional help for my son. I would like to acknowledge that hypnotherapy has helped my son to deal better with his difficulties and is able to put things in perspective in a positive way. I would encourage anyone, no matter of age, to consider hypnotherapy as another helpful tool to overcome life’s challenges. It was really a good decision of choosing hypnotherapy.

Thank you Trisha.


Female, 25years

I had so much fear of darkness since 7 to 8 years of age, that I felt I will die because of darkness. I also felt presence of somebody in the darkness, who will harm or kill me. I felt very lonely in the darkness and also felt helpless. The fear of darkness was so much and to such an intent that I felt frozen and could not utter a word.

Then I came to Anahata- Look Deeper. The first session was quite boring, but I found second session much better than the first and I could feel the fear of darkness dissolving.

Just after the second session, I became aware that where this fear was coming from and then consciously, as an adult I was trying to overcome it, as I knew the reason of fear was coming from my childhood. This continued for 4 days. But then I got busy in my personal life and after 15-20 days of the second session I realized that my fear had vanished completely. I am very happy, that I have released the fear which was affecting me since childhood in just 2 sessions. Now I sleep very well in the darkness.

Thank you so much Trisha!


Male, 37years

I had problem of sadness along with stress, unwanted recurring thoughts, emotional uneasiness since last 20 years after an unpleasant event in my teenage. I have looked for treatment in different medical pathies resulting in some relief which was lasting as long as I was on medication. Thus, I could never cured & healed up.

Trisha has helped me to find out that unpleasant event in my teenage triggered due to resembling happening in my past life. Through the therapy first my past life issues were healed then my negative association with teenage incident was broken and now I am Ok with whatever happened.

It has been few days since the last session and I feel myself much happier, relaxed & calm. I am very thankful to Trisha for her sincere efforts to help me to reach at root cause of problem and to heal the issues.

Unwanted thoughts are few times coming but with help of post therapy techniques gifted by Trisha to me I have learnt how to face & heal them effectively. In this way this part is also healing fastly. Once again thanks Trisha & Anahata Look Deeper.


Female, 27years

I was dealing with hair fall since few years. I went to many doctors for the treatment but nothing worked for me. Then I thought of taking the therapy. After four sessions my hairfall became unnoticeable and I realised from where I was getting my problem. Trisha helped me to look deeper within myself to remove such issues. It really helped me a lot and now I am healed from within. Thanks Trisha and Anahata – Look Deeper.


Male, 32 years

Thank you Trisha ji for your amazing sessions. I was very much disturbed in life, not knowing why I have concentration issues. During the 9 sessions taken by Trisha ji, I discovered the reasons and now my life is way better than before.

Thank you very much.


Male, 25years

Dear “Anahata-Look Deeper”,
I am unable to find a suitable word to start this appreciation letter as it feels that no word is suitable enough describe for what have you done for me.

Before I start the letter let me please describe my past history. I am a working professional; I have joined the job at the age of 23 years. I have always had a passion to read and to learn. But after coming to Bhopal, I lost myself completely in the corporate world. The inner me begins to die. Whenever I start reading I don’t know where have I lost. My mind begins to wander here and there and I was unable to read a single page of book within one hour. Beside this, I was also addicted to mobile and laptop very much. I became seriously worried when the fear of death and fear of failing added to this problem. All the problems altogether were ruining my life. I was unable to concentrate, feeling irritated moreover I was sad and unhappy.

In this situation I came to know about “Anahata-Look Deeper”. I took an appointment and went there. In the 1st day itself, I felt that I have come to the right place, that I was searching for a long time. In the 1st day Trisha Madam listen to my problem carefully and attentively. And from 2nd day my treatment began. Thereafter, I begin to feel the change. And now when my treatment is over, I find myself more confident, more energetic. Now I can read well with more concentration and my mind doesn’t wander here and there. Now I have also reduced my mobile usage significantly. And if you ask me what about “fear of death”? Yes, it has gone completely from my life. I have heard about one phase long ago “Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.” Now I begin to feel it completely.

So, one small “Thank You” is not enough for describing your contribution towards my life, you help me to bring peace back to my life. Now I stay more cool, more confident and more energetic. At last I got success in establishing a perfect balance between personal and professional life. Moreover, I am happy. I’m eternally grateful to you for helping me in my difficult time. Thank you.


Female, 20years

Ever since I joined college, I gradually felt that I have been losing concentration in studies. No matter how hard I would try, I could not concentrate on my studies properly. I could feel that my attention span had decreased significantly, and the mere thought of studying would then make me feel lethargic. Initially, I used to feel guilty and frustrated about neglecting my studies, but slowly even that guilt vanished.
I learned about Anahata from my father and I got in touch with Trisha di. Initially I did not feel any change through the therapies, but gradually, as the reasons for my lost concentration healed, I felt that my attention span was also increasing. I now am able to concentrate well on my studies and I thank Trisha di and Anahata – Look Deeper for this.


Female, 22years

I had procrastination issues from past few months. I used to delay my work which affected my life in some way or other. I was so habitual of procrastination that I begin to ignore important things which required to be completed on time. This resulted in stress and failures.
I met Trisha di and during first meet I somehow knew that she’ll be able to help me out. I took several sessions with her and have seen improvement in me. Now I am able to complete my work on time and with more enthusiasm. Thank you Trisha di for helping me to resolve this problem.


Female, 37 years

हिप्नोथेरेपी मैंने मेकअप की प्रैक्टिस के लिए ली थी, जिसके मैंने दो सेशन लिए, क्यूंकि मेरा प्रैक्टिस करने का मन नहीं करता था | लेकिन इस थेरेपी से मुझे बहुत फायदा हुआ और अब मैं टाइम निकालकर मेकअप की प्रैक्टिस करती हूँ|


Female, 36 yrs (Client from Australia)

I was always of the thought that my problem is something that only I can solve, only that this time I didn’t know what the problem was. I wanted to look deeper but the deeper I went, the more void there was.

Then I met Trisha and this whole experience with Anahata gave me the courage and strength to reflect on those dark areas in my life, come out with the right conclusions and it taught me to not judge myself in the present based on an incident that happened in the past.

Above all I learnt to be kind and forgiving to myself. Thank you Anahata for getting me back to what I really & truly am!


Female, 54 yrs

मैंने सुश्री तृषा कौशिक से पिछले साल हिप्नोथेरेफी के बारे में जब सुना और जाना तो सहज रूप से अनुभव करने की इच्छा हो आयी | मैंने पहले चरण में जब तृषा से सेशन लिए तो ये मेरी लिए सर्वथा नया अनुभव था | एकदम से तो मुझे कोई परिणाम नहीं दिखा पर कुछ अरसे के बाद मुझे फिर से तृषा से अपनी समस्याओं को लेकर सेशन लेने का मन हुआ | और इस बार बहुत सकारात्मक अनुभव हुआ | इसके बाद कुछ महीनों बाद तीसरे चरण में जब मैंने फिर से तृषा से सेशन लिए तो यह मेरे लिए अभूतपूर्व अनुभव रहा | मेरी वे सारी उलझने, परेशानईयाँ ऐसा लगा कि अब, सब धीरे – धीरे काम होती जा रही हैं, और यह मेरे जीवन का सुखद पहलू बन गया |


Female, 30years

I had anger issues post my delivery, I used to get angry every now then, my reaction time to anything was very quick, without even thinking I used to react and was irritated.

Then I came across Anahata. Trisha & I were school mates in school we never had good conversation, but don’t know somehow I was having faith that she can help me in this problem. So, I called her for session, I took 5 sessions and it has helped me a lot in understanding the purpose of my current life and releasing the negativity that was building inside me which was leading to this anger issue. Thank you so much Trisha for helping me in resolving this issue.


Male, 35years

I have known Trisha from a long time. She has always been a calm and composed girl. Her gradual development and getting trained in over the years has been inspirational for us. Anahata is reflection of her years of development and process of finding oneself. Obviously when you have such a credible help around I was naturally inclined to take her help of coping with superfluous rigmaroles of life and help myself evolve in the right direction. She has helped me resolving issues with a fresh outlook. It’s helping me to look at life with a fresh point of view. One of the most important issue that I have been facing was related to guilt related towards my family. It amazed me that I was not even aware of it however it came out quite promptly during the sessions. I am relieved that I could get rid of the guilt that I have been harbouring subconsciously.

Thanks to Trisha that it’s no more now and helping me to live better.

Thanks Anahata for helping me look deeper and further.


Female, 34 years (Client from Mumbai) ONLINE SESSIONS

Trisha came as a blessing in disguise.

Some times you are dealing so much internally without even realizing that it effects your day to day actions. I was dealing my demon without being even aware of it. I had overthinking problem since I don't know when. I realized it's effecting me and I started living in the cozy world of overthinking.

Sessions from Trisha helped me deal with it consciously, accepting it and getting rid of it. I thank ANAHATA - Look Deeper from the core of my heart . I am a changed person.❤️


Female, 29years

I was going into negative thinking through my issue of overthinking. Building up things which can happen or will happen was disturbing my inner peace. After reading about Anahata and it’s client testimonials I thought of giving hypnotherapy a try. Did sessions with Trisha and now I can stop myself from going in deep overthinking mode. Thanks Trisha.


Female, 18years

I got to know about Trisha Kaushik ma'am through a counseling session at my school in 2019 and was actually very enchanted by her perspective on the human mind and it's power. I was doing very well back then but in 2020, post lockdown an incident happened which wasn't actually big but I couldn't get it out of my mind, it began getting huge and huge every day passing which let to an issue of "overthinking" about everything and worrying about the same and I just couldn't stop it. I used to cry everyday not even knowing what actually happened to me and it just led to many other feelings of insecurity, comparison, jealousy and I felt very guilty for feeling this way because I was experiencing such emotions for the very first time. I then decided to discuss it with my parents and we consulted a psychiatrist which didn't really help the issues I was facing and so I decided to leave it for a while, yet again in 2021 I started facing the same problems and it impacted me greatly this time. I was so used to overthinking that it started making me feel anxious and fear to make new beginnings. I was always stuck in a loop of never ending thoughts.

As mentioned above, I got to know about Trisha kaushik ma'am through a counseling session at my school and thought she would really help me. It took me 4 sessions after which I was so motivated to start again. I no longer feel stuck in a loop of thoughts and I'm at peace with my mind. I am very grateful to her for being so patient and supportive the entire time. Thankyou so much.


Female, 39years

Due to some personal disappointments, I was completely tuned out of emotional balance and developed over thinking. Because of this, I had become hyperactive, hyper reactive, impulsive and hypersensitive.

Internally, I was fighting a big war against all my issues but the outer world could only see me as someone with more problems and impulsive being. I was losing all my self-esteem, self-worth and self-respect. I didn't even realise when my life adapted to survival mode doing the bare minimum and necessary things, nothing else. No one, even my close family, was able to understand what my issue was and everybody would judge me. As a result, I developed anxiety.

When I came to Trisha for healing, I wasn't quite sure that it is going to help. But as we proceeded, things started to change. Within a few days after all my healing sessions were concluded, I transformed into a more positive being with no problem of overthinking.

Wholeheartedly I acknowledge my heartfelt gratitude to her for letting me out of overthinking and making my personality and life more hopeful and blissful.


Female, 18years

I used to feel very lonely and depressed due to my inability to trust on people, and thereby make friends. Whenever I used to meet anyone (new or known), I used to fidget and my throat felt constricted. I felt at utter loss of words.

Being a student, this loneliness started to take a toll on my grades and so, desperate to find a solution I came to Trisha Di. The initial sessions were difficult as I had suppressed my feelings so much that I was unable to recognise them even. But gradually, we were able to find out the reasons for my problems and solve them. Now that my trust issues have been resolved, I feel very happy and even my long-lost confidence is pretty much back.

Thank you Trisha Di!


Male, 42years (Client from Ahmedabad)

Thank you ,Trisha ,for your sessions, it is very very helpful to me, I have been following it. I had five sessions and many old memories opened up, changed my fear about money, relationship. Now I am going through session of procrastination it is going in very well. Next will go for mental banking. Thank you Trisha for your support & cooperation.


Therapy sought for stress by a medical student

I have always been afraid of failure so I always get extremely stressed whenever any examinations are near. I start losing sleep and appetite and I start pushing people out and staying alone in my room every day. It started bothering me a lot in the past 2-3 years of college. I recently started therapy for the same and I realised a lot of these issues were because of things I had experienced as a child. It really helped me to confront those past feelings and let myself be ok with whatever happened. It has been more than 3 weeks since my sessions and I definitely feel a lot more relaxed regarding my studies and I have started seeking company of others. I have recently talked to more people than I had done in the past few months together. I am definitely feeling happier. Thank you so much for your help!


Male, 26 years

I grew up in a very protective environment and I never really took my own decisions and always felt hesitation in expressing the real me. This thing somehow grew up and I faced massive issues with my loved ones. I developed fear of losing my loved one which troubled me immensely and gave me sleepless nights. But then I started my therapy, it really showed how and from where this fear actually started and how it escalated. I would like to thank Trisha for helping me to overcome my fear, providing me the support and making me believe in myself.

Thank you Anahata.


Female, 26 years

I had come to Trisha with the issue of quitting things at the slightest signs of disapproval. It had become a huge issue as I wasn’t able to continue doing anything in life. The sessions helped me find out that it was due to some beliefs I had formed during my birth. It was a totally new experience regressing to memories of the womb, just before I was being born. I also learned that every experience in life shapes our beliefs. Earlier I was unconscious about it, now I take care to feed myself with positive conclusions and thought processes, that will help me grow rather than holding me back.

Grateful to Trisha.


Male, 62 years

This refers to the hypnotherapy session self had with you for determining the purpose of life. The journey through hypnosis to the higher self was unique and memorable experience. Unique in a way that we question our own higher self to get the answer which normally we don’t get and also they get camouflaged and clouded in normal life. In ascended state the answers were crisp, concise and with astute clarity. A memorable experience because the ease with which you ascended to get answers from my higher self was unbelievable. My heartfelt thanks to you and wish you all success ahead.


Male, 37 years

I was in depression since last few years, because of event that happened in my life, when I was 23 years of age. Now, I am 37 year old, and I had undergone treatment for it and was on medication for quite some time. In spite of putting in so many efforts and undergoing treatment, I was unable to overcome the incident that happened long back and subsequently ,led to depression . Then I came to know about Anahata-Look Deeper and took around 7-8 sessions from Trisha Kaushik

After the completion of the therapy , I feel much more happy and have overcome the past incident ,which was big hindrance in my daily life. I feel completely healed and happier now.

Thanks Trisha.


Female, 30 years

I had been going through a tough time in terms of anxiety, depression and very low self-esteem. A lot of these issues ended up giving me sleepless nights not just for one or two days but I have been going through insomnia since a past few months. I would never get a proper night’s sleep, would wake up depressed and feeling terribly low. Somehow, I started over indulging in food to cope up, making me gain weight and having mood swings and having anxiety and migraine attacks on weekly basis.

I came to know about Anahata through one of my friend, and I got in touch with the organization. I was never a thorough believer in the theory of the subconscious level of mind. I met Trisha, discussed my overall issues and to my surprise everything pointed to some negative feeling that I had been harboring over the time. We had about six sessions and via hypnosis, we got aware of the root cause issues and started working on it together. Trisha did a huge favor to me by making me aware of the things I never knew I was in control of. She suggested me some exercises and now I do sleep better, I have control over my thoughts, I don’t over eat and I feel better a lot both physically and mentally.

My heartfelt thanks to Anahata and Trisha for taking up this act of making people aware about mental health and trying to make a difference. With my personal experience, I would always recommend Anahata to anybody who is going through a tough time. Anahata Works!


Male, 37 years

I was in depression since last few years, because of the event that happened in my life, when I was 23 years of age. Now, I am 37year old, and I had undergone treatment for it and was on medication for quite some time. Inspite of putting in so many efforts and undergoing treatment, I was unable to overcome the incident that happened long back and subsequently, led to depression.

Then I came to know about Anahata-Look Deeper and took around 7-8 sessions from Trisha Kaushik. After the completion of the therapy, I feel much more happy and have overcome the past incident, which was a big hindrance in my daily life. I feel completely healed and happier now.

Thanks TRISHA.


Female, 20years

From the beginning, my menstrual cycle had been irregular. For most of the time the cycle span was also short. I consulted many doctors who attributed this to hormones, puberty and weight, but none of the treatment was effective. Even if the cycle would become regular, after sometime, I would be back to the square one. I also would become very irritated and get angry on even small things during this period of time. I became frustrated with this.

But when I started taking hypnotherapy for this from Trisha di, the actual reasons for my irregular menses healed. Even the pain and trouble I felt during my menses has become less. I no longer feel irritated or angry during this time. I can now say that my cycle has been regular for some time, and with the affirmations and tips given to me by Trisha di, I have full confidence that I will not face such a problem in future. Thank you, Trisha di!


Female, 30years (Client from Mumbai)

I had always read about the subconscious mind but did not know that it gets moulded at a very young age in life. I went to Trisha with multiple issues, so when she asked what my core problem is, I literally gave her a list. She explained how the problems can be like apples on a tree arriving from one seed or be multiple seeds.

I have had sadness, depression, lack of ambition, difficulty in falling asleep, cynicism, guilt just to name a few, but the one that has lingered throughout adult life was lack of self worth. Even though I have been fortunate to have good education, job, friends, supportive family etc., I always saw myself as someone who doesn’t deserve to be at a higher spot personally or professionally.

I have taken somewhere around ten sessions from her and got to know a lot of aspects about how events have affected me and shaped the way I perceived life. It was truly fascinating, especially because I always considered myself as an aware soul, this was like a totally new dimension for me.

The sessions solely focused on solving the self worth issue but have resulted in me feeling more focused, happier, lighter in head and having a peaceful sleep daily. My concentration levels have improved, the traumatic experiences now seem faded. Earlier, I used to wake up and just think about going back to bed without having to face the day, lock myself in, now I wake up looking forward to starting my day.

I am so glad that I knew someone like her when I really needed it in life. Proud of your work, Trisha! Deepest Gratitude


Female, 33years

I was suffering from OCD of touching people n things. This OCD was taking me in depression and I started losing trust on myself. I tried many medical advices to get rid from OCD and I even start having UTI problem. Then I took Hypno Therapy from Anahata-Look Deeper. After the therapy I started taking interest in myself and started to get rid of OCD as well as UTI problem. I became more confident. I Started feeling more relaxed and comfortable.

Thanks a lot Trisha Kaushik & Anahata-Look Deeper for making me believe in my self.


Male, 35years

I went to Trisha with a bit unusual feeling that I had about my aspirations. No matter what I do I used to get stuck and my activities used to get delayed. It almost felt like an innate feeling that has been stopping or derailing my work. Trisha helped me to unravel the inbuilt layers and dusted off the focus areas. Now I have more clarity of what pulls me back and how to tackle it effectively. My activities are getting executed much faster now and I feel much much better.


Male, 30years

I did my AURA cleaning on 11 January. Although I was skeptical initially, as I was unsure, but the next few days are magical. I can sense better clarity in my head and more confidence which helped me to make better decisions about my work and life. I truly thank Trisha and would recommend this to everyone.


Female, 35years

I have had very traumatic childhood, whereby my grandparents always criticized me as I was the girl child. The constant criticism by my grandparents and other relatives made me believe that whatever I do in my life, its outcome will always be negative. This instilled a fear in me, that whatsoever I do, its outcome will be negative and thereby, I did things out of fear. Also, I had anger issues which used to aggravate on full moon and new moon day, and used to take a toll on me.

Then I decided to go for hypnotherapy. In the sessions, I realised that all the above mentioned problems were due to certain childhood events , which had left negative psychic impressions .Also, there were certain external energies which led to anger issues. In the sessions, the external energies were released and also, by using certain therapeutic techniques the negative association with traumatic childhood events was broken.

Post therapy, I feel much more relaxed and the past memories have stopped haunting me. Also, my anger issue is now completely resolved. The fear regarding taking the initiative is also released. Hypnotherapy has really helped me.

Thanks Trisha and Anahata- Look Deeper


Female, 26 years

I had headache and depression since last 8 to 10 years. Getting up in the morning was tough, as some past stories used to play in my head, which did not allow me to get up in the morning. Through my brother I came to know about Hypnotherapy. I took 3 online sessions from Trisha Kaushik. Post these 3 sessions I feel much more energetic,sleep well, my headache and depression is completely healed. My thoughts have also become positive and thinking has changed a lot.

Thanks a lot!!!


Female, 31 years (Client from Mumbai)

In these horrific and uncertain times, we found ourselves in an unfortunate situation wherein we got to know that someone we knew tested positive for the Covid-19 virus which is claiming & disrupting lives around the globe.

Obviously, this discovery led to a lot of tension and stress and sleepless nights and ultimately I approached Trisha for some help. She utilised her excellent access bar therapy remotely via call and did the clearing of the scare of Corona virus which was looming on us. Post the 10 minute call I instantly stopped worrying about the situation and entered peace mode. And after 4 days, miraculously we got to know that the other links which were connecting us to the positive corona case tested negative so we do not have to worry about it any more.

Thanks a million to Trisha for her energy clearing and access bar therapy techniques. Highly recommend to take her help to make your life easier and overcome unexpected challenges like these in your daily life.


Female, 31 years (Client from Mumbai)

I was feeling heaviness in chest periodically since past few months. I couldn’t find out the cause of it. Since, I have taken Therapy from Trisha before and benefited from it, I approached her with this issue as well. It was just a single session and heaviness in chest disappeared immediately post the session. We found out that was because of some events in the past which got triggered due to a latest event in life. I am again surprised so as to how our mind affects our health. Unresolved trauma manifests in the form of physical symptoms. Since we are in different cities, we did the session over video call. Thankful for her online sessions.

Thank you Trisha for helping me again with your expertise.


Female, 31 years (Client from Dubai)

I have been suffering from palpitations since a very young age and somehow neglected it, which was basically my way of dealing with it. With the passage of time the severity of these palpitations increased till I could not ignore them anymore and thought of seeking medical attention. After trying a couple of things that made the palpitations fade away temporarily, but eventually return with greater intensity, I contacted Trisha to get a view of whether this was treatable through hypnosis.

I was skeptical at first because I hadn’t heard a lot about it, but Trisha put me at ease from our first conversation onwards. We discussed what the issues could be and the approach to solve them. Once that was determined, she got down to work without much ado which is commendable. My skepticism started waning with each conversation, as I could sense my heart relax little by little.

The sessions were done online in the comfort of my home which is the absolute highlight of the entire therapy.

It’s been over two months and my palpitations have come to an absolute stop, the credit of which goes to Trisha.


Female, 24 years (Client from Mumbai)

I was suffering from clinical depression since past 4 months due to recurrence of my trauma of sexual molestation during my childhood. I got to know about ‘Anahata’ about a month ago and since then, it has been a 180-degree change in my life. Trisha helped me recover and heal from all those molestation memories and look within myself for the light of positivity.

I took around 8 sessions from her which helped me clean my aura and eliminate all my negative thoughts. I was surprised to find how natural the process of hypnotherapy is and how every small thing in our mind affects our health. I am thankful to Trisha for taking the virtual sessions during these tough times.

Thank you, Trisha for being an amazing therapist and helping me out in making my life easier.


Female, 26 years Medical Doctor (Client from Indore)

I am a doctor by profession. This noble profession gives an immense satisfaction of serving the mankind, especially in the current scenario, but, since the past few months I was questioning my decision of choosing this profession and several other decisions which I made in my personal life in the past. This led to frustration, depression and a suboptimal performance at work.

But as I started my sessions with Trisha di, I started believing again in myself and my decisions. I gained confidence in myself which I had lost. I started to enjoy my work again and made peace with my past, with newly sought optimism for my future endeavours.

The sessions also helped me to tackle the stress and anxiety that come along with physically and mentally taxing duties. I took the video sessions and she was a darling to keep up with my ever changing and unpredictable working schedule. I owe the ‘new me’ to Anahata.


Male, 30 yrs

My core issue was acute aggression, something that I could not stand a minute, I would ideally dress down, mentally strain and socially disrespect the person who I believe is not working to my accordance.

I believe the sessions helped me understand the core issues which were leading me to exhibit acute aggression. My intermittent explosive disorder has had a good diagnosis with her and the steps are helping me take care of my explosive bouts.

I would encourage people to understand their inner child and assess how damages of the past can lead you to a spiral and damage your personal relations.


Male, 63 yrs

Self would like to state that on 28 September, 2020 - Tuesday, I was suffering from fever and severe headache. This was happening for the last couple of days and did not stop even after nurturing medication from Physician. Further, this was resulting in immense pressure behind the neck region and pain in the forehead. Requested Sushri Trisha to do something so that self can be relieved of the pain as soon as possible.

She provided Access Bars Therapy and immediately after the therapy, self was feeling much better, the pressure in the neck region got reduced to a very large extent and the headache got eliminated totally. Never knew that the therapy will work so well. Self is thankful to Sushri Trisha for giving this therapy.


Female, 59 yrs

I used to have frequent headaches. I had heard about the Access Bars Therapy and decided to take sessions of the same from Trisha Kaushik. She did therapy for my frequent headaches and I got relief from the same. I took 3 sessions for my issue. I am really grateful to her for relieving me of this pain. Thanks Trisha!!!!


Male, 36 years (Client from Pune) ONLINE SESSIONS

Dear Trisha,

I would like to thank you for such an exhilarating healing session. I was always scared to face my fears but your help made me face them with confidence and fearlessly.

Would like to thank you with my whole heart and wish to keep our association on going.

Heartfelt Thank you !!!!


Female, 32years (Client from Mumbai) ONLINE SESSIONS

I was suffering from this lingering feeling of emptiness and purposelessness for the past few months. Basically I had lost hope to look forward to life, I had stopped dreaming or even thinking about my future.

I approached Trisha with this issue as it was becoming difficult for me to carry on with life like this. The therapy sessions helped me deep dive in my subconscious mind. As usual some of the events which had a deep impact surfaced up and it was again a very amusing journey for me as I have experienced this in earlier therapy sessions with Trisha before. I could see the hope in my life coming back. I started looking forward to my personal and professional life. The sessions also helped in healing other issues which came forward while taking therapy. Thankful to Trisha to bring the light back!


Male 36years, Client from Pune (ONLINE SESSION)

After a few Access Bars clearings related to Money Abundance, I finally started to slowly let go of my fear related to Money and was finally able to allow myself to the changes that Access offered me. And positive changes started to happen immediately within a span of 15 days. Everyday I am seeing positive changes happening to me related to Money issues by using Access Bars Clearings.


Female, 25years, Client from Mumbai (ONLINE SESSION)

I had took therapy sessions from Trisha last year in the month of May and during the course she had taught me the technique of ground meditation. I have always been the kind of person for whom meditation is the most difficult task. So when Trisha asked me to do meditation, I was very skeptical. The 1st day I did the meditation, it turned out to be so refreshing and positive for me. The technique helps you channelize all the negative vibes and create a positive bubble around your body. 5-10 mins a day and this meditation technique has helped me keep my mind and body at peace.

Thank you Trisha again for teaching this great method for people like me who have concentration issues when it comes to meditation.


Female, 32years, Client from Bengaluru (ONLINE SESSIONS)

Hi Trisha, I must thank you for the help in resolving my issue of not being able to do what I'm supposed to! It definitely sounded silly in the beginning to ask you to resolve it through hypnotherapy, but as I went through the sessions, I was able to get over these resistances with ease. Surprisingly, I'm now able to consciously make better decisions and take actions towards what I'm supposed to do.

It was a pleasure experiencing your sessions and I once again Thank you for all the help. Stay safe.Take care. God bless!


Female, 32years, Client from Mumbai (ONLINE SESSION)

I approached Trisha when I was struggling with my career. I felt that proper opportunities were not knocking on my door, no matter how hard I tried. She suggested to do the Access Bar energy clearing statements so that all those energies which were acting as my roadblocks could be smoked out. She performed one round of session of energy clearing and then I was recommended to do it 1-2 times daily, with full faith and concentration.

This therapy, my friends, works like magic and I got not one, not two but three new job offers within a week.

Another roadblock I faced was during the finalisation of my new job and getting my desired package and designation. I contacted Trisha and she gave me some new energy clearing statements and they worked like magic too and I got the final offer within a day.

I will highly recommend to take these energy clearing sessions with Trisha to deal with Money or Career related roadblocks in your life! Thanks Trisha for all your support. You are a gem!


Male, 37 years, Client from Mumbai (ONLINE SESSION)

I was facing difficulties in getting a new job for some time back. Even I am not progressing well enough in my current organization. Even though I was selected for a new job but due to relocation or salary I had to deny the offer. This was a very vicious cycle in which I was trapped. Then Trisha came to help me. After the initial discussion with her, I decided to go for Access Bars therapy. With the clearing session, Trisha has helped me clear out many of my beliefs which were creating obstacles in my career progression. After the session I continued reading the clearing statements which Trisha had given and within a few days I received a good offer from an organization for which I was waiting for a 1 month even after interview clearance. That was a really magical moment for me and all credit for that goes to Trisha. The way she conducts the session, analyzes the core issues and the way she shows to come out of the issue is something admirable.

With deep gratitude, thank you so much Trisha for your help on this.


Female, 40years, Client from Mumbai (ONLINE SESSIONS)

I was suffering from itching in the entire body, since past 7 years. With the passage of time, the severity of the disease increased and I could not ignore it anymore, so I decided to take the medical treatment. After trying a couple of things there was no improvement in my health condition, then I contacted Trisha Kaushik to get a view of whether this was treatable through hypnosis and she suggested that it was. So, I started with the hypnotherapy sessions.

The sessions were done online in the comfort of my home, which is the absolute highlight of the entire therapy. It's been over one month and my issue of itching in the entire body has come to an absolute stop and I am completely healed now.

The credit goes to Trisha Kaushik.


Female, 32years

I have always had a history of emotional abandonment in relationships. Somehow, even with all things right, they never worked out. Trisha introduced me to the concept of past life regression, which was not only very interesting but took me to a version of myself in past life, who had suffered a bad marriage and the emotional baggage and perception of failed relationships was carried on to the current life. Through the therapy, I healed that trauma of all of my past versions who suffered in bad relationships.

I am now very hopeful about a successful connection with a partner. I feel my bias has been cleared out.

The credit goes to Trisha Kaushik.


Female, 32years, Client from Mumbai (ONLINE SESSION)

I approached Trisha for help in my professional growth. I was struggling financially. I was feeling stuck in my current job. I felt I am not growing financially. I also felt that I am not being recognized for my efforts and skills.

It was then, I took Trisha's help with her access bar sessions. She took a complete understanding of my situation through a set of questions. Based on that she conducted one session virtually with me. Then she gave me the clearing statements which I read daily and it worked instantly within a couple of days. I started feeling a shift in my current job. I was identified for leading the projects at the same time, I secured another job as per my wish.

I want to extend my sincere thanks to Trisha. She is doing an amazing work and I really hope more and more people get benefitted by this.


Male, 30years

I would like to share my experience with Anahata.I had a couple of issues to start with which also came at the surface.

I seeked female validation all the time which was the root cause of my anxiety and frustration. It became the main thing to strive for everyday. Other than that, I had issues with jealousy, comparison, procrastination, career goals etc.

When I started the therapy, I released a lot of early stories which even I didn't know existed. Initially my primary concern of validations got treated. I took about 6 sessions for it and initially....the only difference I felt was that I stopped self victimisation of what happened to my childhood. I started feeling ok about my past which I never used to before. Eventually... I forgot about it.

Then one fine day... One of my friends noticed that my validation seeking problem and jealousy disappeared without even realising. I started becoming more calm and content without external validations...which was almost magical so certainly this worked like I never expected. It's so natural.. I didn't even feel like it's working.

I am still dealing with time Management issues for which I may eventually take sessions from Trisha again considering how well it works for some issues which are connected with childhood. You just gotta trust me and let things flow.


Female, 26years (ONLINE SESSIONS)

I was witnessing extremely negative thoughts for my upcoming wedding functions. There was a constant fear in my head that something bad might happen during the wedding. I was lucky enough that Trisha contacted me for a past life regression session during this course and as always it was a saviour.

The constant fear was due to a fragment of my past life which had suffered loss of a partner and which made me believe unconsciously that marriage is not the thing for me ultimately hovering my fear. With the help of Trisha, I was able to release the fear and enjoy my wedding functions without any negative thoughts.

Special Mention to the shielding technique I follow till date which helps me in being calm and positive throughout my day.

Thanks Trisha and Anahata for making our life better each day.


Female, 27years, Client from Khandwa, M.P. (ONLINE SESSIONS)

दूसरों के सामने खुद को साबित करते-करते मैं खुद की पहचान ही भूल चुकी थी | खुद को ही स्वीकार नहीं कर पाती थी | हमेशा अपनी ज़िंदगी कि ड्राइविंग सीट पर मैंने दूुसरों को ही बैठाया, जिसका परिणाम ये हुआ मैं वो काम भी नहीं कर पाती थी जो मैं करना चाहती थी और मेरे अन्दर के कुंठा का स्तर बहुत ज्यादा बढ़ गया था | मैं हर बात में भावुक हो जाती थी, फिर एक दिन मैं तृषा दीदी से मिली और मेरी पहली मुलाकात में ही जब उन ने मुझे ये कहा की कोई तुम्हारे निर्णय नहीं ले सकता, कयोंकि तुम्हें पता है तुम्हारे लिए क्या सही है और क्या गलत, इन्सान के अन्दर ही सारी चीजों का solution छुपा हुआ है | इन्ही दो लाइन से मुझे तृषा दीदी पर पूरा भरोसा हो गया की ये मुझे उस गहरे गर्त से बाहर ज़रूर ला पायेंगी ।

Sessions के बाद मुझे ये एहसास हुआ कि मैं जब तक खुद को accept नहीं कर पाऊँगी तब तक दुसरे भी नहीं मुझे accept कर पायेंगे और सारी ख़ुशियाँ मेरे अंदर ही हैं | मैं खुद के लिए self sufficient हूॅं | किसी और के decisions मानना ज़रूरी नहीं है | और आज result ये है कि मैं खुद को पहचानने लगी हूॅं और मैं अब खुद को accept करती हूॅं ।

इन सब process में बहुत समय और मेहनत लगी पर अब ऐसा लगता है कि वो सब इसके worth it था |

तृषा दीदी को thanks बोलने के लिए मेरे पास sufficient words नहीं हैं | Thankyou so much Trisha Didi.


Female, 33 years

I have gone to Trisha multiple times before and to my amusement everytime there is something new that I discover about myself. What really caught my attention was the curing of a physical ailment. In all honesty, this was more like an experiment to me and I told her about this lingering knee pain that I had since few years. Which would shoot up while I exercise. To my surprise that pain has completely disappeared after one elaborate session with Trisha.

I find it very interesting that how all our past events make an impact in our thought process and our physical bodies as well!

Thanks Trisha.


Female, 27years, Client from Lucknow, U.P. (ONLINE SESSIONS)

I approached Trisha with a multitude of problems like- abrupt crying, frustration, prolonged sadness, difficulty in breathing & anxiousness. When she asked what I wanted to cure first, I didn't have a specific answer as everything seemed troublesome enough. She, however, explained that most of the time everything stems from one root cause that revolves around our life. Thereafter, the answer that abruptly came to me was 'Low self esteem'.

She proceeded with the sessions for healing the same & after a few sessions I realised how connected each & every emotion that I experienced, was to my low self worth.

To my surprise, I never really thought that I have a low sense of self. Not consciously, atleast. But subconsciously I did have a different mindset which was affecting my entire life. Trisha helped me accept the hard realities & heal the same. I am doing much better now & have greater control over my thought process and life, as a whole. She has helped me during a phase which has so far been the toughest phase of my life.

Thanks Trisha.


Female, 28years

I used to have chronic headaches, this was because of the accumulation of a certain fluid in the left brain. In 2020, I had a seizure due to which I was hospitalised. After the seizure, there was not a single day when I didn't have a headache. I approached many doctors in Delhi and Bhopal and every doctor told me that I have to take lifelong medicines and this condition cannot be healed. Slowly due to the persistent headache, I started losing memory and failed in so many exams and subsequently, I felt that I have failed in life.

Because of this health issue of mine, I lost trust in myself and also in my friends and family. I stopped talking to everyone as I felt that nobody was understanding me. I didn't feel like living. I read many books to find the solution to my health issue and also I tried many things to get relief from my headache but I couldn't. Also, I had no sensation of hunger and thirst. I had to set alarms as a reminder to drink water and eat food.

My brother introduced me to Trisha Mam and after the course of therapy, I started having the sensation of being hungry and thirsty. Post therapy, I feel normal, very happy. I feel as if I have got a new life. The persistent headache that I used to have is completely healed now. I feel so happy, peaceful and relaxed now. I am thankful to my brother and Trisha mam. I am healed now because of Trisha mam. Thank you so much.


Male, 41years, Client from Bengaluru (ONLINE SESSIONS)

I contacted Trisha after my cousin recommended her for some psychological challenges that I was facing for quite some time. After the initial session, we decided to work on Asthma which I have been suffering from since childhood I have taken all types of medication that one can think of. The last medical treatment I took was homeopathy and it helped cure Asthma to a greater extent but not fully.

At the start I was skeptical. I took 7-8 sessions and could feel the change. I took note of the changes during my running. The peak heart rate reduced by approx 15%, cooling-off period reduced by 15-20%. Also, I was able to increase the distance by 25-30% in just few days which I wasn't able to since long.

Initially, I thought these are temporary changes but now even after 4 months, these changes are sustained.

One more major change that happened was earlier I used to take inhaler 2-3 times a month but after the therapy, I haven't touched it till now. Yes, it's not treated fully but there has been a remarkable improvement in the condition.

I'm very thankful to Trisha for making this happen and would recommend her to anyone who seeks a cure/improvement in chronic diseases. You just need to be patient enough & trust her. I'm sure you would also benefit from this unconventional therapy.


Shikha Chhibbar, Human Rights Lawyer

I approached her to learn techniques of releasing anxiety from everyday life. I learnt simple techniques of 'access consciousness' from her which l apply and use in all areas of my daily life and I keep all kinds of worries at bay.

It is a very useful modality to clear all negative energies which we pick up from other people's pains and realities.

Trisha has helped me to live a fulfilling and authentic life. Thanks to her guidance.

All the best!


Stuti Khare, Fitness Expert

I approached Trisha when I had sleepless nights and was unable to focus on anything. Even while watching TV, I was getting lost and used to start crying every now and then.

Trisha’s therapy sessions helped me to get to the root cause of my issues which dated back to my childhood. Those sessions and the simple everyday tips and tricks helped me to get better and my focus and my confidence were boosted again. It has been around 4 months since my last session and my issues have not come back.

Would recommend her to the folks suffering and not able to find a solution to inner problems.


Ila Singh, Consultant, ERNST & YOUNG

I had approached Trisha with some mental health issues that had persisted from the past few years.

Before getting in contact with her, I had tried Yoga but it wasn't very useful as the root cause of the issues were unknown to me. Trisha has helped me gain a deeper understanding of my thought process and behavioral patterns that were affecting my life in harmful ways. It is safe to say that after the sessions with her, I have become more aware about the origin of my thoughts that were negatively impacting my mental health.

Would recommend her to anyone who wants to find a simple yet effective solution to their problems.



I would like to share one of my experience with a Foreign energy which suddenly appeared in my aura. Being a spiritualist, I meditate regularly. One fine day I observed that my body was feeling heavy, followed by a disturbed and irregular breath pattern. Breathlessness never happened even while climbing large number of stairs. But, observed that, suddenly while climbing 15 to 20 stairs made me feel tired and heavy. Also observed that while breathing with awareness, the breath became more irregular and disrupted.

Realizing these abnormal symptoms, I requested Trisha to look into it and heal for the reason. After healing, the body became normal. She informed that this was due to psychic attack which was done almost 40 years back. Those energies had Foreign Energy as well, which were causing these disturbances. She had removed those energies and I feel fine & fit now. I am grateful to Trisha and my heart felt thanks to her for releasing the foreign energy and the impact of the attack.

Male, 66yrs



I had been suffering from anxiety for years and had been on allopathic medicine too for short periods of time sporadically. It was a chronic problem for more than two decades and it now felt like a burden in the centre of my chest. After this one session, the physical sensation vanished and so did the emotion. She told me of the presence of foreign energies in my aura, which had been there for a very long time.

Much gratitude to Trisha for effecting this release from the prolonged anxiety.

Bindu Juneja, Senior Odissi Dance Exponent.


Female, 35years, Client from Gurugram (ONLINE SESSIONS)

From last 4-5 years me and my husband were trying to conceive but after many trials and all treatments nothing gave us positive results. I completely lost on myself and was facing issues like low confidence, always fear of losing something, looking tired mostly and over thinking. And worse was when I lost one of my close family member after which I had issues of anxiety and low BP.

From long I wanted to reach out to Trisha but just couldn’t have that courage to talk to her, but one fine day I reached out to her and started with therapy sessions. Just after few sessions I started feeling so light and calm. My mind is now more relaxed and suddenly I realised my fear is gone. Earlier I used to get tensed in situations and get negative emotions but now I feel much better. I follow daily activities and exercise as recommended by her which helps me to stay grounded. I would like to say big thanks to Trisha. She is an expert and have deep knowledge. I wish her success and happiness.


Female, 20yrs (Engineering Student)

I started my therapy for the 2nd time in October. It ended in 10 days, with 7 sessions. I dealt with 3 issues in the course of therapy: guilt, self-hatred, and dependency.

Now, I don't feel the need to depend on anyone for anything. I realized that asking for help from time to time is different from being dependent on someone. I stopped talking about myself badly and no longer feel like I'm dumb or not good enough. I am interested in studies again after a long time. I understood that I used to feel guilty about things I never did and that I was wasting my energy unknowingly by doing so.

I feel like a brand-new person since therapy helped me change my bad habits.


Male, 35yrs, Vice President of a Startup at Bengaluru (ONLINE SESSIONS)

I had always struggled with lack of self-worth and a healthy self-esteem. This had an impact on my confidence which had an impact on my personal and professional life since childhood, college and all of my adult life. For as long as I could remember I was always anxious of interacting with people and speaking up when required. 

I set out to take help of hypnotherapy with the help of Trisha, when all other traditional measures like counselling, physiotherapy and other treatments had failed to have any measurable impact on my mental health.

I started seeing the benefits of hypnotherapy almost immediately. With each session I felt better, lighter and less anxious. I felt like I was letting go all that happened with me in the past. I could finally break through the set self-destructive patterns of thinking I was following for years. Hypnotherapy puts you in a state of mind which is relaxed and safe, which helps you to forgive, forget and move on from incidents that have shaped your life. You enter a state of mind and consciousness which can me worked upon to cure or modify subconscious behaviour which I had carried with me throughout my life. I can't thank Trisha enough for this. It's been a game changer for me as I would highly recommend it....



Female, 19yrs (Student preparing for NEET)

I approached Trisha ma'am due to my persistent problem of drained feeling since 2019. I couldn't focus well on studies or do any chores as everything took energy, and I had none. Due to this, I couldn't clear NEET in my first attempt and didn't score well in 12th grade either. I decided to take a drop this year, during which I wanted to give it my best. I started feeling lighter after 2-3 sessions. By the end of the therapy, I saw a big change within myself; I became more consistent with my daily life and studies. All thanks to Trisha ma'am.


Female, 30yrs, Senior System Administrator in MNC (Client from Delhi) (ONLINE SESSIONS)

I came to know about Anahata from one of my friends. Initially, I was sceptical about how or whether it would work. But somehow, I got into it and it helped me a lot. There have been a lot of improvements in my life since I joined and now. I would like to say I am very grateful to Trisha and request Trisha to keep doing her good work. Her hypnotherapy really works.

Video Testimonials

