
“The wound is the place
where the light enters you.”

– Rumi

Healing Areas

The body carries within itself the certitude of cure, the certitude that the illness or disorder is sure to disappear. It is only through the false education from the environment that gradually the body is taught that there are incurable diseases, irreparable accidents, and that it can grow old, and all these stories which destroy it’s faith and trust.

As mentioned, Hypnotherapy is a scientific, globally accepted healing modality used to address and heal major health concerns as well as other issues, which go much beyond health.

Following are some of the areas, which can be addressed through hypnotherapy. The list is exclusive and endless...

“Health issues are just symptomatic; the real cause lies in the master’s room – Your MIND!!!. ” ~ Sonal Mishra

Physical Health Issues

Auto Immune Disorders, Skin Issues, Eczema, Warts, Pimples, Acne, Acidity, Hair Issues, Ear, Nose & Throat Issues, Eye Issues, Migraine, Spondylitis, Arthritis, Thyroid, Kidney Issues, Asthma, Breathing Issues, Digestive Issues, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diabetes, Gynaecological Disorders, PCOD, Menstrual Aches & Pains, Heart Related Issues, Blood Pressure, Cramps, Energy Drain, Immune System Issues, Unexplained Aches & Pains, Snoring, Vertigo, Stammering, Ulcers, Tics, Mineral Deficiency, Vitamins Deficiency, Anaemia, & much more…

Pain Management

Knee Pain, Joint Pain, Back Pain, Chronic pains, & much more…

Child Birth Issues
Conception Issues, Infertility, & much more…

“Our psychology is like the seed bed, and the plants our actions, the fruits the outcome. The more fertile and clean the bed, the sweeter shall be the fruit.” ~ Sonal Mishra

Psychological Disorders

Depression, Anxiety & Panic Disorder, Stress Release, Trauma Release, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Mood Swings, Sleeping Disorder (Insomnia), & much more…

Fear/Phobia Release

Agoraphobia, Fear of Darkness, Fear of Public Speaking, Fear of Death, Fear of Injections, Fear of Being Judged, Fear of Heights, Stage Fright, Fear of Water, & much more…

Emotional Disturbance

Abuse, Hopelessness, Helplessness, Sadness, Loneliness, Guilt, Insecurity, Mistrust, Rejection, Victimization, & much more…

Behavioural Issues

Aggression, Frustration, Irritability, Inhibition, Low Self-Esteem, Low Self Confidence, & much more…

Attitude Issues

Pessimism, Superiority/Inferiority Complex, Forgiveness, Indecisiveness, Lack of Initiative, & much more…

“Weight is 85 percent emotions, the heaviness we carry in our mind is more harmful than we see on the scale!.”
~ Sonal Mishra

Weight Shedding & Eating Disorders
  • Weight Shedding
  • Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • Overeating
  • Other Eating Disorders

“What gives us performance anxiety is nothing, but our mind imagining false hurdles.”
~ Sonal Mishra

Performance Enhancement
  • Release of Performance Anxiety
  • Concentration Enhancement
  • Improving Study Habits
  • Release of Exam Fear
  • Confidence Building
  • Anxiety Release
  • Release of Stage Fear
  • Performance Enhancement in every area of life

“Humans are meant to love and co-exist peacefully. The problem arises when we make assumptions in our minds. Clear the knots in your mind and untangle your relationships.”
~ Sonal Mishra

Relationship Issues
  • Dealing with Break-ups
  • Marital Discord
  • Couple Counselling
  • Dealing with Divorce
  • Other Relationship Issues (relationship with boss, mother, etc…)

“Money is just a by – product of how affluent you feel within.”
~ Sonal Mishra

Financial Issues
  • Financial Crisis
  • Unemployment
  • Indecisiveness with respect to Job, Business etc.
  • Other Finance/Money Related Issues

“True abundance isn’t based on our net worth, it’s based on our self-worth.”
~ Gabrielle Bernstein

Property Related Issues
  • Issues regarding selling and buying of Land, House and other properties
  • Space Clearing (Release of negative energy)
  • Protracted Construction Revival
  • Other Property Related Issues

“Allergies are not caused by external agents, instead by the internal associations that our mind forms with these agents.”
~ Sonal Mishra

Allergy Removal
  • Drug Allergy
  • Pollen Allergy
  • Food Allergy
  • Dust Allergy
  • Lactose Intolerance
  • Insect Allergy
  • Latex Allergy
  • Pet Allergy
  • Mold Allergy
  • All Kinds of Allergy

“Your thoughts and emotions affect your Aura. Your Aura is like the garden where your body resides as a house. The more beautiful and blooming your garden is, the more butterflies will flow in, in the form of good energy.”
~ Sonal Mishra

Aura & Space Clearing
  • Aura Cleansing
  • Energetic Space Clearing (of House, Office, Land etc.)
  • Chakra Cleansing, Energising and Balancing

“Just because your past may not have been perfect, doesn’t mean your future can’t be amazing.”
~ Robin Sharma

Past Life Regression Therapy
  • For resolving current issues.
  • For understanding Karma for Spiritual Guidance.
  • For Reversing Oaths, Vows & Curses.

“There’s more to what meets the eye when we are stuck in an unwanted circumstance… hypnotherapy is a way to unlock those doors.”
~ Sonal Mishra

Remidiation of Habits
  • Tardiness
  • Procrastination
  • Nail biting & much more…
Limiting Belief Issues
  • Failure
  • Love
  • Money & much more…
Daily Life Issues
  • Protracted delays
  • Quitting things easily
  • Frequent transfers in job
  • Work not getting acknowledged & much more…