
“Destiny is no matter of chance.
 It is a matter of choice.”

– William Jennings Bryan


The programs offered by Anahata – Look Deeper, are as follows :

1) The Engineering & Re – Engineering of the Human Software: THE MIND
Duration : 1Hr to 1Hr 30mins

The Concept

We all want to be happy and lead a fulfilled life. But more often than not, we end up experiencing challenging life situations either in the form of health issues (physical, mental and emotional), financial issues or then relationship issues. Perplexed with such odd situations, we wonder and ask ourselves with a sense of helplessness – “Why has this happened to me?”

Why do we experience such unpleasant life situations through such episodes, when we consciously want to lead a smooth and peaceful life?

The talk shall seek to address exactly these questions!

The Content

The talk / seminar shall open the doors to the world of the sub – conscious mind (SCM). The SCM is 6000 times more powerful than the conscious mind, yet it’s potential remains greatly untapped by us. Further, this talk shall address how the SCM determines the course of our life and also touch upon the various ways in which the sub-conscious mind can be reprogrammed in order to live a life of our dreams!

2) The Alchemy of Hypnosis
Duration : 1Hr to 1Hr 30mins

The Concept

Hypnosis is a state that we experience, minimum, twice a day. As an alchemist transforms a base metal to gold, the state of hypnosis, if utilized/ tapped in the correct way has the potential to transform our lives. The use of the state of hypnosis as an effective tool, dates back to 5000 BC, where, it was used to heal physical health issues as well as psychological disorders. Although, today there is greater awareness and acceptance of hypnosis, being one of the many reliable and safe methods to bring about transformative life changes, this modality is relatively more widely accepted abroad. People in India however, are still quite apprehensive about it because of some schools of thought that practice it differently.

The Content

In this talk, not only shall myths and misconceptions about hypnosis be cleared, but the science of hypnosis and the ways and techniques to effectively use this state for holistic (physical, emotional, mental & financial) well being of an individual, shall also be addressed!

2) The Alchemy of Hypnosis
Duration : 1Hr to 1Hr 30mins

The Concept

Hypnosis is a state that we experience, minimum, twice a day. As an alchemist transforms a base metal to gold, the state of hypnosis, if utilized/ tapped in the correct way has the potential to transform our lives. The use of the state of hypnosis as an effective tool, dates back to 5000 BC, where, it was used to heal physical health issues as well as psychological disorders. Although, today there is greater awareness and acceptance of hypnosis, being one of the many reliable and safe methods to bring about transformative life changes, this modality is relatively more widely accepted abroad. People in India however, are still quite apprehensive about it because of some schools of thought that practice it differently.

The Content

In this talk, not only shall myths and misconceptions about hypnosis be cleared, but the science of hypnosis and the ways and techniques to effectively use this state for holistic (physical, emotional, mental & financial) well being of an individual, shall also be addressed!

3) Being Aware of your Bodies
Duration : 1Hr to 1Hr 30mins

The Concept

Many of us live with this belief that the physical body is the only body we have. Science has proven that we are much more than just our physical bodies and we exist way beyond, in the form of subtle bodies.

We have also heard that DNA is the blueprint of our life and certain diseases such as diabetes, cancer etc., can occur due to genetic predisposition to the same. However, a new study of DNA, called Epigenetics, states that the expression of our gene can be controlled through our thoughts and emotions, thereby, unveiling the fact that heredity is not to be blamed for the dis-ease that a person gets. Hence, our DNA is not our destiny, but, our destiny is in our hands.

The subtle bodies (invisible to the naked eye) are more powerful than the physical body, but most of us are unaware of this.

The Content

This talk shall focus on explaining the subtle bodies and how our thoughts and emotions can change our gene expression and eventually our life. This shall further be followed by techniques and ways to release our so called ‘negative’ emotions which eventually results in the alignment of our subtle bodies and better gene expression.

4) The FAD of (Forced) Positive Thinking
Duration : 1Hr to 1Hr 30mins

The Concept

There have been times, when we have shared our issues with someone and in reply we have got to hear “Oh C’mon, you are overthinking and being too negative. Think positive.” It happens with most of us, if not all.

So, here we are, living in a world of fads. Amongst the many fads that exist, one of the most toxic yet trending fad today is ‘Forced Positive Thinking.’

We still live in a society which primarily believes in suppressing emotions especially the ones perceived as negative. The core belief still is – that expressing your truth is a sign of weakness. Expressing the positive emotions is respected while expression of the negative ones, is scorned upon, which leads to suppression at an emotional level and eventually manifests at the physical level as various diseases.

The Content

The talk/ seminar aims at making people aware that if they think a certain way, there is a reason for it, as well as a source of origination of such thoughts.

This talk would focus on explaining this concept as well as would highlight some ways and techniques to release negative thinking and enhance positive thinking. An added feature of this seminar would be some light breath work techniques for instant help to deal with negativity.

Please note that each program will be followed by a Q & A session of 30 mins.

For more information on programs CONTACT US.

4) The FAD of (Forced) Positive Thinking
Duration : 1Hr to 1Hr 30mins

The Concept

There have been times, when we have shared our issues with someone and in reply we have got to hear “Oh C’mon, you are overthinking and being too negative. Think positive.” It happens with most of us, if not all.

So, here we are, living in a world of fads. Amongst the many fads that exist, one of the most toxic yet trending fad today is ‘Forced Positive Thinking.’

We still live in a society which primarily believes in suppressing emotions especially the ones perceived as negative. The core belief still is – that expressing your truth is a sign of weakness. Expressing the positive emotions is respected while expression of the negative ones, is scorned upon, which leads to suppression at an emotional level and eventually manifests at the physical level as various diseases.

The Content

The talk/ seminar aims at making people aware that if they think a certain way, there is a reason for it, as well as a source of origination of such thoughts.

This talk would focus on explaining this concept as well as would highlight some ways and techniques to release negative thinking and enhance positive thinking. An added feature of this seminar would be some light breath work techniques for instant help to deal with negativity.

Please note that each program will be followed by a Q & A session of 30 mins.

For more information on programs CONTACT US.