

We all choose to incarnate on this beautiful planet called Earth, to have rich experiences and learn valuable life lessons. This planet is a plane of duality. Everything exists in a pair of opposites. Light-dark, good-bad, positive-negative, pretty-ugly and so on. Which means that this duality extends to the inhabitants of the planet as well – That’s US! Another characteristic of this plane is to consider one superior over the other – light is better than dark, good is better than bad, positive is better than negative, etc. What must be remembered is that neither is superior to the other and each is only serving its role in this beautiful creation. Without one, the other is incomplete. It is important to experience both and learn the valuable lessons they both offer.

Having said that, although there is a rise in the level of awareness about this truth and about alternative healing modalities, we still live in a society which primarily believes in suppressing emotions especially the ones perceived as negative. The core belief still is that expressing your truth is a sign of weakness. There is a sort of general understanding of which are the positive emotions and which are the negative ones. Expressing the positive emotions is respected while expression of the negative ones, is scorned upon. This has been in the system and structure for generations now and is hence, a core belief system. This core belief system is what drives our perception, emotions and behaviour. If there is suppression at an emotional level, it eventually manifests at the physical level as various diseases. This all starts in the sub-conscious mind and stays there, totally out of our conscious registration. 90-95% of our life is driven by our sub-conscious programming. This programming to a great extent freezes by the age of 7 years and then determines the kind of experiences we attract for the remainder of our life, until addressed and healed. This is where unhealthy patterns get formed and may need to be broken.

“Give me a child until he is 7 and
I will show you the man.”

– Aristotle

About Us

At Anahata, we aim to empower you to create your dream life by addressing mental, emotional, energetic, and physical aspects. Using scientifically proven and globally accepted healing methods, we help resolve current issues to ensure your happiness and well-being.
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About Us

At Anahata, we aim to empower you by helping you address any mental, emotional, energetic, and physical aspects that may be posing challenges to your growth. We enable you to create your dream life using scientifically proven and globally accepted healing methods, to resolve your current issues and ensure your happiness and well-being.

Refresh & Renew
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About The Therapist

Trisha Kaushik, an NIT Bhopal graduate and former BHEL employee, embarked on a profound journey from engineering to hypnotherapy, driven by her own health challenges. With a Postgraduate Diploma in Transpersonal Regression Therapy from TASSO Institute, Netherlands, graduation in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Access Bars certification, she founded ANAHATA in 2018. At ANAHATA – Look Deeper, Trisha combines unconventional yet potent methods, including Clinical Hypnotherapy, Transpersonal Regression Therapy, and Shivodhana™️, to offer scientifically grounded and holistic healing. Her dedication to resolving diverse issues and challenges provides solace and empowerment to individuals seeking profound personal transformation.

How Effective Is Hypnosis?

American Health Magazine compared different types of therapy and found below results:
0 %

Recovery after 600 Sessions

0 %

Recovery after 22 Sessions

Behavior Therapy
0 %

Recovery after 6 Sessions



After four sessions my hairfall became unnoticeable and I realised from where I was getting my problem. Trisha helped me to look deeper within myself to remove such issues.

Hairfalll Problem

During the course of my therapy at Anahata, I developed the consciousness that I hadn’t before, which allowed me to take control of my irrational compulsions and see them in a new light.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

It has been few days since the last session and I feel myself much happier, relaxed & calm. I am very thankful to Trisha for her sincere efforts to help me to reach at root cause of problem and to heal the issues.

Sadness & Others Issues

I took 5 sessions and it has helped me a lot in understanding the purpose of my current life and releasing the negativity that was building inside me which was leading to this anger issue.

Anger Issues

It took her 3 sessions to get to the root of my problem, which were related to few of my childhood events which were deeply troubling me from some time, in ways I can’t figure out by myself.

Lower Back Pain

I had been suffering from anxiety for years and had been on allopathic medicine too for short periods of time sporadically. It was a chronic problem for more than two decades and it now felt like a burden in the centre of my chest.

Anxiety Issues

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